Oct. 27, 2022

The Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS) is a unit of the Courant Institute's Department of Mathematics that focuses on the intersection between applied mathematics and climate science, and hosts an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program.  CAOS seeks candidates for several open rank core tenure/tenure-track faculty appointments that may be made at either a junior or senior level, anticipated to begin September 2023. 

Further details for these core facutly positions, as well as an application link, may be found here:  apply.interfolio.com/115254. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.

Apart from the above positions, CAOS also seeks candidates for two open rank tenure/tenure-track faculty positions that are each part of a multi-departmental cluster hiring initiative termed Predicting Climate Change and its Impacts: From the Global to Urban Scale. This initiative includes the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Civil and Urban Engineering in the Tandon School of Engineering, and the Center for Data Science; its goal is to create a diverse, inter-disciplinary cohort that will devise cutting edge research and curricular development.  More general information about the cluster, and NYU's broader Faculty Cluster Hiring Initiative, can be found here, and here. Inquiries about these positions and their role within the cluster should be addressed to climateclusterhire@nyu.edu

One of the currently-available cluster hire opportunities is an open rank tenure/tenure track faculty position that will sit entirely within the Department of Mathematics and CAOS. The position is anticipated to begin September 2023. 

Details, and an application link, can be found here:  https://apply.interfolio.com/116254.  Review of applications will begin December 1, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.

A separate cluster hire opportunity is an open rank tenure/tenure track faculty position that is joint between the Center for Data Science and the Department of Mathematics.   The position is anticipated to begin September 2023. 

Details, and an application link, can be found here:  https://apply.interfolio.com/115578. Review of applications will begin December 16, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.