Nov. 14, 2023

The Center for Data Science (CDS) and the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS), a unit of the Department of Mathematics within the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, seek candidates for one (1) open-rank joint faculty position, anticipated to begin in September 2024. Faculty members are expected to be outstanding scholars and to participate in teaching at all levels from undergraduate to doctoral.

We seek to develop our strength at the interface between machine learning and science, leveraging advances in data science. Machine learning has the possibility of transforming our ability to model multi-scale physics, chemistry and biology. We are particularly focused on expanding in the area of data science for physics applications (e.g., fluid dynamics, climate science) and computational applied sciences with machine learning.

This search is part of a cluster hire in Predicting Climate Change and its Impacts: From the Global to Urban Scale that includes the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Civil and Urban Engineering in the Tandon School of Engineering, and the Center for Data Science. Advances in climate science prediction will require transformative developments in and between mathematics, data science, computer science, physics, engineering and geoscience. More information about this cluster, and NYU's broader Faculty Cluster Hiring Initiative, can be found here, and here. A few faculty positions will be advertised as part of this cluster search, with the intention of creating a diverse, inter-disciplinary cohort to devise cutting-edge research and curricular development. 

Applications and supporting documents received by Friday, December 1, 2023 will receive full consideration. Application link: