
Oliver Bühler
Oliver Buhler works on fundamental topics in the interaction of waves and mean flows in geophysical fluids, statistical fluid dynamics, and data analysis methods.

Edwin Gerber
Edwin Gerber investigates the internal variability of the atmosphere and its relation to climate change. He has developed a hierarchy of idealized models to understand the spatial and temporal structure of intraseasonal variability in the mid and high latitudes.

David Holland
David works on the interaction of the global ocean and atmosphere with the great ice sheets, Antarctica and Greenland, and the surrounding sea ice, combining field observations with geophysical fluid dynamics theory to improve state estimation and predictability for climate models.

Olivier Pauluis
Olivier Pauluis studies the dynamics of atmospheric flows such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, Monsoons and the Hadley circulation, and how they may be affected by climate change. He has developed new methods to investigate how thermodynamic processes affect the intensity of various weather systems.

Sara Shamekh
Sara investigates the complex interactions among atmospheric processes that shape weather and climate, along with their interactions with the oceans and Earth's other components. Sara's research focuses on understanding turbulence and clouds, which are currently poorly understood and inadequately represented in atmospheric models.She utilizes a combination of physics, statistical modeling, and machine learning, applying these methods to data from observations or numerical simulations.

Shafer Smith
Shafer conducts research focused on the scale and structure of baroclinic instability in Earth's ocean and atmosphere, mesoscale and submesoscale geophysical turbulence, connecting theory to observations of oceanic transport, and stirring and mixing in a range of geophysical flows.

Esteban G. Tabak
Esteban G. Tabak works on data analysis using tools from the mathematical theory of optimal transport, with applications that include weather prediction, the climate's modes of variability and the determination of currents from tracers. He also works on conceptual mathematical models of physical systems, including models for fluid mixing and the atmosphere's general circulation.

Laure Zanna
Laure's research focuses on ocean dynamics and climate change, predictability, and ocean turbulence using analytical and statistical tools, machine learning, a hierarchy of numerical models, and observations.

Yi Zhang
Yi is interested in atmospheric dynamics and the interaction between dynamics, thermodynamics, and radiative transfer. Yi follows a research path that integrates understanding the underlying physics, developing analytical theories, and testing these theories against observational datasets and numerical simulations.